Winter Wellness + Style at Home

Winter Wellness + Style at Home

The winter months can be tough, especially living somewhere with freezing temperatures and heavy snowfalls (hello, Minnesota). I am someone who can easily feel very affected by this kind of weather, and in previous years, would often wish January through March away. This past year, my fiancé and I had the opportunity to spend six weeks in Charleston, SC. This experience was so enjoyable following what felt like an extra long Minnesota winter. Coming home from that experience, I told myself I would go into this winter season with a more positive mindset and have a greater appreciation for MN through all of the seasons. I've found that if I shift my energy towards all of the good that comes along with this season, the good is truly what comes into focus.

I thought I would share some ideas for embracing winter and a few styling tips if you're craving a little home refresh. Making simple, often inexpensive changes can truly help give you a fresh perspective and spark some a little extra joy in this season.

1. Taking extra time to make home cooked meals -

When I think of cultivating a cozy vibe at home, one of the first things that comes to mind is cooking or baking. There's just something so meditative about putting on sweats, lighting a candle, and devoting the night to staying home and making a meal for yourself or your family. It feels really good in this season to be extra intentional about cooking healthy meals at home vs going out, challenging yourself to try new recipes, or going back to the basics and making simple meals with few ingredients. Sometimes, getting a new, fun tool or serveware set that fits the season (think rich, rustic, warm woods) can help me feel inspired in the kitchen again. The start of a new year is also a helpful motivator to stay in and embrace routine.

2. Focusing on rest and simple self-care practices -

Devoting a few extra minutes to self care is a productive, yet restful way to spend a winter day or evening. Self-care doesn't have to be overwhelming; whether it's staying consistent with a skincare routine, taking a long hot shower or bath, or reading next to the fireplace, taking advantage of the slowness is so important. You can have fun with setting the mood (if that's something you're into) by lighting a candle (I love non-toxic scents from True Hue), putting on music or a podcast, and pouring your favorite beverage. Sometimes it's easy to feel like you're not doing "enough" when carving out time for self-care. When thoughts like this arise, I like to remind myself how busy the summer months can get, and to really soak in this time with fewer commitments.

3. Decluttering and organizing your space - 

If you celebrate Christmas, you know the feeling that comes along with taking all the things down come January. A fresh, clean space can oftentimes make me appreciate my home even more, and bring feelings of readiness to take on the start of a new year. Donating things you no longer need or use or deep cleaning the (often neglected) spaces in your home can be a great way to spend a winter afternoon. Stocking up on matching sets of storage bins or acrylic organizers from Amazon or Target can be a relatively inexpensive way to motivate yourself to do a deep clean.

4. Giving your home a winter refresh -

There are a few simple ways to incorporate fresh, new pieces that fit the cozy, post-holidays winter style. Swapping light linens and airy cottons for rich patterns and textures can bring warmth into your home. Think thick, heavy textiles that feel plush and comforting. You can play around with different winter scents with fresh candles and diffusers, or simply switch out your sheets to a wintery color or pattern that feels new to you. I always love to be extra intentional about buying fresh flowers from the store during this season to bring some color and joy indoors. I have found that Trader Joe's flowers are the BEST - the most inexpensive option and seem to last so much longer than your average grocery store bouquet.

5. Exploring new areas you don't often visit -

A weekend with few plans always makes me happy. I love using slow Saturdays or Sundays to try out a new coffee shop, go for a walk somewhere new, or window shop on a cute street. Doing things like this don't have to be expensive, but can be so fun, relaxing and lead you to discover some new favorite spots. 

If you're in Minnesota, here are a few of my favorite places to visit/things to do, whatever the season -

- Walking around/window shopping downtown Stillwater, Excelsior, or Wayzata

- Meeting a friend or working from a cute coffee shop, like Spyhouse (several locations around the Twin Cities), Five Watt, Backstory, Smith (Eden Prairie), FRGMNT, among others

- Signing up for a new workout class (I love CorePower Yoga, ONX, Alchemy, SolidCore, and am excited to try the new pilates + tread studio Reve)

- Going for a walk around a Minneapolis Lake (Isles, Harriet, Nokomis, Bde Maka Ska) and looking at the homes, or spending time in nature and walking around Lebanon Hills Regional Park, or another nature preserve (there are a ton of beautiful  ones both west and east of the cities!)

I hope this is helpful! If you are interested in more specific winter styling tips, I'd love to talk to you! 

- Delaney


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